What is a Course by Course Evaluation?


Guy Pearson

Apr 15, 2019
2 mins to read

When you are applying to study in a foreign university, you will have to submit all your past education credentials.

Since the education system in different countries is different, a course by course evaluation of the credentials is required. In short, a course by course evaluation will include a document of all the education credentials that you have provided and its U.S equivalency.

What does the course by course evaluation include?

The course by course evaluation will go through all the stages of education that you have received so far and then analyze them. It will include –

  • The U.S equivalent for all your credentials like degree, diploma, transcript of record or certificate and all of these are submitted for evaluation
  • It will also include a short and precise description of the course and the requirements of admission and also the time required by the course for completion.
  • The location of the institution and years of attendance are also required.
  • The evaluation will also provide the accreditation status of the institution in the mentioned country.
  • The list of subjects that you have studied so far.
  • Your grades will be converted to U.S. grades.
  • Your hours of lectures or laboratory hours will be converted to semester credit hours.
  • A GPA for U.S universities will be calculated.

The above course by course evaluation comes handy in a variety of places the primary one being admission to colleges or universities for further study.

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