Notarized translation of birth certificate


Guy Pearson

Apr 15, 2019
2 mins to read

When you are leaving your home country and immigrating to a foreign country, whatever may the reason be, you have to carry all your important documents with you.

One such important document is your birth certificate. It is very commonly used for identification purposes or even as a proof of your date of birth. But if the language of the country you are immigrating to does not match the language of your birth certificate, you will have to get a notarized translated.

Where is a notarized translation of birth certificate required?

The requirement for a notarized translation of birth certificates is in many cases –

  • Visa applications and immigration procedures are the most common places where you need it.
  • If you are migrating to US, then you will need it in the US Social Security benefits application.
  • If you are enrolling your child in a school or college, you will need the notarized translation of his/her birth certificate.
  • Passport applications also require the document.
  • Driver’s License and Marriage License applications require the birth certificated to be translated and notarized as well.
  • Business establishments will also require your birth certificate to have a notarized translation.
  • Applying for jobs and getting hired by companies require the document too.

A birth certificate is something that is required by all institutions whenever it comes to identity or date of birth proof. You can get your birth certificate a notarized translation from any reputable agency.

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